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Set up Automatic Agent Upgrades

Teleport supports automatic agent upgrades for systemd-based Linux distributions using apt, yum, and zypper package managers, as well as Kubernetes clusters.

Teleport agents run an upgrader that queries a version server to determine whether they are out of date. This guide describes how to set up your infrastructure to support automatic upgrades. If you are a Teleport Cloud user or run a version server already, return to the Upgrading menu for the appropriate next steps to upgrade Teleport.

The Automatic Update Architecture guide explains how automatic agent upgrades work in more detail.


Systemd agents enrolled into automatic upgrades can only install versions present in their package repositories. As Teleport 14 won't be published to stable/v13, those agents will require manual intervention to be upgraded to the next major version (adding a new APT/YUM/zypper repo for stable/v14). Alternatively, you can use the stable/rolling channel, which contains Teleport v13.3.2 forward, including future major releases.


  • Familiarity with the Upgrading Compatibility Overview guide, which describes the sequence in which to upgrade components of your cluster.
  • Self-hosted Teleport cluster v13.0 or higher.
  • The tctl and tsh client tools version >= 14.3.33.
    $ tctl version
    # Teleport v14.3.33 go1.21

    $ tsh version
    # Teleport v14.3.33 go1.21
  • To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with tsh login, then verify that you can run tctl commands using your current credentials. tctl is supported on macOS and Linux machines. For example:
    $ tsh login
    $ tctl status
    # Cluster
    # Version 14.3.33
    # CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678
    If you can connect to the cluster and run the tctl status command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequent tctl commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also run tctl commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions.

The version server must be hosted on a webserver with trusted TLS certificates and reachable by all agents. You must have either:

  • A public Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  • A web server accessible from all agents with valid TLS certificates.

If you do not have an S3 or GCS bucket for your version server, this guide provides an example of how to create one using Terraform. You can install Terraform to spin up a demo version server along with this guide so you can get started with automatic agent upgrades. Terraform is not required to set up a version server.

  • To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with tsh login, then verify that you can run tctl commands using your current credentials. tctl is supported on macOS and Linux machines. For example:
    $ tsh login
    $ tctl status
    # Cluster
    # Version 14.3.33
    # CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678
    If you can connect to the cluster and run the tctl status command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequent tctl commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also run tctl commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions.

Step 1/5. Create release channel files

A release channel contains two pieces of information: the targeted version and if the upgrade is critical. Updaters subscribe to a release channel and will upgrade to the provided version during a maintenance window (which we will configure later in this guide). If the upgrade is critical, updaters will ignore the maintenance schedule and upgrade as soon as possible.

The version server is a static file server that responds to the following queries:

$ curl https://<hosting-domain-and-path>/current/version

$ curl https://<hosting-domain-and-path>/current/critical
  1. Create a project directory for the files we create in this guide:

    $ mkdir version-server
    $ cd version-server
  2. Create a directory for the new release channel current.

    $ mkdir current/
  3. Make the current release channel target the version 14.3.33:

    $ echo -n "14.3.33" > current/version
  4. And mark the upgrade as not critical:

    $ echo -n "no" > current/critical

Step 2/5. Create a Terraform configuration

  1. In the project directory you created in the previous section, create a file called and populate it with the following content, depending on whether you will use Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage:

    In the configuration below, replace REGION with the name of the AWS region where you will deploy the version server:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    aws = {
    source = "hashicorp/aws"
    version = "~> 5.0"

    provider "aws" {
    region = "REGION"

    resource "aws_s3_bucket" "version_server" {
    // Replace the bucket name to ensure it is unique
    bucket = "version-server"

    resource "aws_s3_object" "version" {
    bucket =
    key = "current/version"
    source = "${path.root}/current/version"

    resource "aws_s3_object" "critical" {
    bucket =
    key = "current/critical"
    source = "${path.root}/current/critical"

    resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "version_server" {
    depends_on = [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.version_server]
    bucket =
    policy = jsonencode({
    Version = "2012-10-17"
    Statement = [
    Sid = "GrantAnonymousReadPermissions"
    Principal = "*"
    Action = [
    Effect = "Allow"
    Resource = ["${aws_s3_bucket.version_server.arn}/*"]

    resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "version_server" {
    bucket =

    block_public_acls = false
    block_public_policy = false
    ignore_public_acls = false
    restrict_public_buckets = false
  2. Make your cloud provider credentials available to Terraform. The method to use depends on your organization, e.g., pasting environment variables into your terminal.

  3. Apply the configuration:

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

Step 3/5. Configure the maintenance schedule

At this point the updaters can be configured to pull the version from the release channel and upgrade the agents. In this step you'll configure a maintenance schedule for the Teleport cluster that agents will use to determine when to check for upgrades.

Create a Teleport role

Create a Teleport role that can manage cluster maintenance configurations through the cluster_maintenance_config dynamic resource. No preset Teleport roles provide this ability, so you will need to create one.

  1. Create a file called cmc-editor.yaml with the following content:

    kind: role
    version: v7
    name: cmc-editor
    - resources: ['cluster_maintenance_config']
    verbs: ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete']
  2. Create the role resource:

    $ tctl create cmd-editor.yaml
  3. Add the role to your Teleport user:

Assign the cmc-editor role to your Teleport user by running the appropriate commands for your authentication provider:

  1. Retrieve your local user's configuration resource:

    $ tctl get users/$(tsh status -f json | jq -r '.active.username') > out.yaml
  2. Edit out.yaml, adding cmc-editor to the list of existing roles:

    - access
    - auditor
    - editor
    + - cmc-editor
  3. Apply your changes:

    $ tctl create -f out.yaml
  4. Sign out of the Teleport cluster and sign in again to assume the new role.

Create a cluster maintenance configuration

Create the following cmc.yaml manifest allowing maintenance on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 02:00 and 03:00 UTC.

kind: cluster_maintenance_config
# Maintenance window start hour in UTC.
# The maintenance window lasts 1 hour.
utc_start_hour: 2
# Week days when maintenance is allowed
# Possible values are:
# - Short names: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
# - Long names: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Mon
- Wed
- Fri

Finally, apply the manifest using tctl:

$ tctl create cmc.yaml
maintenance window has been updated

Step 4/5. Enroll Kubernetes agents in automatic upgrades

Now that you have deployed a version server, you can enroll agents in automatic upgrades. This guide begins with agents deployed on Kubernetes. If all of your agents run on Linux servers, you can skip to Step 5.

Install the agent upgrader Helm chart

This section assumes that the name of your teleport-kube-agent release is teleport-agent, and that you have installed it in the teleport namespace.

  1. Confirm you are using the Teleport Enterprise edition of the teleport-kube-agent chart. You should see the following when you query your teleport-kube-agent release:

    $ helm -n teleport get values -n teleport-agent -o json | jq '.enterprise'
  2. Add the following chart values to the values file for the teleport-kube-agent chart:

    enabled: true
    releaseChannel: release-channel

    Change release-channel to the name of the release channel you would like the agent to query for upgrades. For the current version, choose current.

  3. Update the Helm chart release with the new values:

    $ helm -n teleport  upgrade teleport-agent teleport/teleport-kube-agent \
    --values=values.yaml \

Verify that the upgrader is working properly

  1. You can validate the updater is running properly by checking if its pod is ready:

    $ kubectl -n teleport-agent get pods
    <your-agent-release>-0 1/1 Running 0 14m
    <your-agent-release>-1 1/1 Running 0 14m
    <your-agent-release>-2 1/1 Running 0 14m
    <your-agent-release>-updater-d9f97f5dd-v57g9 1/1 Running 0 16m
  2. Check for any deployment issues by checking the updater logs:

    $ kubectl -n teleport logs deployment/teleport-agent-updater
    2023-04-28T13:13:30Z INFO StatefulSet is already up-to-date, not updating. {"controller": "statefulset", "controllerGroup": "apps", "controllerKind": "StatefulSet", "StatefulSet": {"name":"my-agent","namespace":"agent"}, "namespace": "agent", "name": "my-agent", "reconcileID": "10419f20-a4c9-45d4-a16f-406866b7fc05", "namespacedname": "agent/my-agent", "kind": "StatefulSet", "err": "no new version (current: \"v12.2.3\", next: \"v12.2.3\")"}

Troubleshooting automatic agent upgrades on Kubernetes

The updater is a controller that periodically reconciles expected Kubernetes resources with those in the cluster. The updater executes a reconciliation loop every 30 minutes or in response to a Kubernetes event. If you don't want to wait until the next reconciliation, you can trigger an event.

  1. Any deployment update will send an event, so you can trigger the upgrader by annotating the resource:

    $ kubectl -n teleport annotate statefulset/teleport-agent ''
  2. To suspend automatic upgrades for an agent, annotate the agent deployment with "true", either by setting the annotations.deployment value in Helm, or by patching the deployment directly with kubectl.

Step 5/5. Enroll Linux agents in automatic upgrades

This section shows you how to enroll Teleport agents running on Linux virtual or bare-metal machines into automatic upgrades.

Follow these instructions on each of your Teleport agents.

Install the agent upgrader

  1. Ensure the Teleport repository is added and Teleport Enterprise is installed.

    To verify if the Teleport repository was added to the system, check if either of the follow files exist:

    $ ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teleport.list
    # or
    $ ls /etc/yum.repos.d/teleport.repo

    The upgrader checks the repository for available releases, so make sure that it is up to date.

  2. If the repository was added, make sure the Teleport binary installed on the agent can run the automatic upgrader:

    $ which teleport-upgrade || echo "Install the upgrader"
    Install the upgrader
  3. If the Teleport repository is not found, or the Teleport binary you installed does not include the upgrader, add the appropriate repository and reinstall Teleport.

    # Download Teleport's PGP public key
    $ sudo curl \
    -o /usr/share/keyrings/teleport-archive-keyring.asc
    # Source variables about OS version
    $ source /etc/os-release
    # Add the Teleport APT repository for v14. You'll need to update this
    # file for each major release of Teleport.
    $ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/teleport-archive-keyring.asc] \${ID?} ${VERSION_CODENAME?} stable/v14" \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teleport.list > /dev/null

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install teleport-ent-updater

    For FedRAMP/FIPS-compliant installations, install the teleport-ent-fips package instead:

    $ sudo apt-get install teleport-ent-fips

Configure the upgrader

  1. Create the upgrade configuration directory:

    $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/teleport-upgrade.d/
  2. If you changed the agent user to run as non-root, create /etc/teleport-upgrade.d/schedule and grant ownership to your Teleport user. Otherwise, you can skip this step:

    $ sudo touch /etc/teleport-upgrade.d/schedule
    $ sudo chown your-teleport-user /etc/teleport-upgrade.d/schedule
  3. Configure the upgrader to connect to your custom version server and subscribe to the right release channel:

    $ echo version-server-url/path/release-channel | sudo tee /etc/teleport-upgrade.d/endpoint

    Make sure not to include https:// as a prefix to the server address.

Verify that the upgrader is working properly

  1. Verify that the upgrader can see your version endpoint by checking for upgrades:

    $ sudo teleport-upgrade dry-run
  2. You should see one of the following messages, depending on the target version you are currently serving:

    no upgrades available (1.2.3 == 1.2.3)
    an upgrade is available (1.2.3 -> 2.3.4)

    teleport-upgrade may display warnings about not having a valid upgrade schedule. This is expected immediately after install as the maintenance schedule might not be exported yet.

Troubleshooting automatic agent upgrades on Linux

  1. If an agent is not automatically upgraded, you can invoke the upgrader manually and look at its logs:

    $ sudo teleport-upgrade run
  2. To suspend automatic upgrades, disable the systemd timer:

    $ sudo systemctl disable --now teleport-upgrade.timer
  3. To enable and start the systemd timer after suspending:

    $ sudo systemctl enable --now teleport-upgrade.timer

Next steps

While this guide showed you how to apply a cluster_maintenance_config resource using tctl, we recommend using infrastructure as code to maintain your Teleport resources. See the teleport_cluster_maintenance_config for how to declare a cluster maintenance configuration with Terraform.