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AWS IAM Identity Center (Preview)

Teleport's integration with AWS IAM Identity Center allows you to organize and manage your users' short- and long-term access to AWS accounts and their permissions.

With the Identity Center integration you can grant or revoke persistent access to AWS accounts and resources using Teleport Access Lists, or use Teleport Access Requests for scenarios requiring temporary elevated AWS privileges.

How it works

Identity Center integration builds on top of Teleport's role-based access controls, just-in-time Access Requests and Access Lists.

When enabled, Teleport takes ownership over Identity Center users, groups, and permission set assignments:

  • All Identity Center groups, along with their members, account and permission assignments, are imported into Teleport as Access Lists.
  • Identity Center account and permission assignments are expressed as Teleport role policies.
  • Changes made to Teleport users or Access Lists with Identity Center assigned permissions are reflected in the Identity Center.

For managing long-term access, Teleport cluster administrators can designate Identity Center-synced Access Lists owners who will be responsible for adding or removing users and performing periodic access reviews. Users added to or removed from such Access Lists will be added to or removed from corresponding Identity Center groups.

For short-term access, users can go through Teleport's standard Access Request flow in which case Teleport will assign requested privileges to a particular user and automatically unassign once the Access Request expires.


The preview release of Teleport's Identity Center integration in Teleport 17.0 supports role Access Requests only.

Resource Access Requests (ability to request access to a particular permission set in a particular account or a particular resource) will be added in follow up releases.


  • Teleport Enterprise or Teleport Enterprise Cloud cluster version 17.0 or higher.
  • Administrative access to AWS IAM Identity Center.

Note that Identity Center integration requires using Teleport as an external identity source.

As such, we recommend ensuring that all Identity Center users have access to your Teleport cluster before turning the integration on to avoid access interruption. If your Identity Center already uses external identity source, you can configure corresponding SSO connector in Teleport or, if you're using Okta, turn on Okta integration.

Step 1/6. Configure AWS integration

Teleport provides a guided web UI based configuration flow for the Identity Center integration. To get started, navigate to the "Add new integration" page in your Teleport cluster control panel and select "AWS Identity Center".

During this step, you will set up Teleport as an OIDC identity provider for your AWS account and create an AWS role with the permissions required for the integration to function, such as fetching Identity Center accounts, users, groups, permission set assignments, and so on.

Full list of IAM permissions required by Identity Center integration
// ListAccounts

// ListGroupsAndMembers

// ListPermissionSetsAndAssignments

// CreateAndDeleteAccountAssignment

// AllowAccountAssignmentOnOwner

// ListProvisionedRoles

Enter required information such as Identity Center region, ARN and integration name, and execute the generated command in the Cloud Shell.

After the script has run, fill out the ARN for the role created by the script.

Step 2/6. Preview AWS resources

On the next step, you are presented with the list of AWS accounts, groups, and permission sets that Teleport was able to find in your Identity Center.

Pick the default owners that should be assigned to the Access Lists in Teleport. These resources will be imported into Teleport once the plugin is installed.

Step 3/6. Configure identity source


After this step, Teleport will become your Identity Center's identity provider.

To avoid access interruptions, we recommend making sure that all existing Identity Center users have access to your Teleport cluster by, for example, using the same IdP as your current Identity Center external identity source.

Follow the instructions to change your Identity Center's identity source to Teleport.

Step 4/6. Enable SCIM

The final step is to enable the SCIM endpoint in your Identity Center to allow Teleport to push user and group changes.

Make sure to test SCIM connection after enabling it.

Step 5/6. Verify the integration

Navigate to the Access Lists view page in your cluster and make sure that all your Identity Center groups have been imported.


It may take a few minutes for the initial sync to complete.

Imported Access Lists should show the same members as their corresponding Identity Center groups.

Step 6/6. Connect to AWS

Once the integration is up and running, you will see an application named aws-identity-center among your resources:

Clicking the "Log In" button for this app takes you to your Identity Center SSO start page which you can use to pick a role and connect to your AWS account as usual.

Usage scenarios

Let's take a look at some common usage scenarios enabled by the Identity Center integration.

Managing access with Access Lists

Teleport creates an Access List for each group found in the Identity Center, with group members becoming Access List members. Default Access List owners are configured during the initial integration enrollment flow and can be adjusted as necessary after the initial sync completes.

Each imported Access List is automatically assigned a role (or a set of roles) that grant all members of that list access to a particular permission set on a particular AWS account based on the permissions the corresponding Identity Center group was assigned during the integration setup. Those roles are considered system roles generated by Teleport and are named using <permission-set-name>-on-<account-name> convention (e.g. AdministratorAccess-on-my-account).

To give a user permission granted by an already-existing Identity Center synced Access List, an owner can add that user as a member which makes Teleport to add the user to its corresponding Identity Center group.


While the integration is running, all existing Teleport users are synced to Identity Center.

Removing a member from an Identity Center synced Access List removes them from the corresponding Identity Center group effectively revoking privileges.

In addition to membership changes, Teleport propagates changes in Access List grants to Identity Center as well. In a scenario where, say, for an Access List with roles AdministratorAccess-on-my-account and ReadOnlyAccess-on-my-account one of the granted roles were to be removed, the corresponding Identity Center group would see its assignments updated accordingly.

Using role Access Requests

For short-term privilege elevation, Identity Center integration works with Teleport Access Requests.

When an Access Request for a role granting Identity Center privileges is approved, Teleport creates an individual assignment for that user in the Identity Center. The assignment is deleted when the Access Request expires.


In a future version, Teleport will support requesting access to individual permission sets using resource-based Access Request flow similar to other Teleport resources.

Creating custom Identity Center roles

You can craft your own roles that bind Identity Center accounts to permission sets, for example:

kind: role
version: v7
  name: aws-dev-access
    - account: "<account_id>" # AWS identity center account ID
      name: AdministratorAccess # name of the permission set in AWS
      permission_set: arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-1234/ps-5678 # permission set ARN
    - account: "<account_id>"
      name: ReadOnlyAccess
      permission_set: arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-1234/ps-8765

These roles can be assigned to users and Access Lists or requested by users using Access Requests flow described above.


Which Access Lists are synced to Identity Center?

Teleport syncs all Access Lists that have AWS account and permission set rules among their role grants to Identity Center.

How does it work with nested Access Lists?

Identity Center does not support nested groups. As such, Teleport flattens out the member list when syncing an Access List that has nested Access Lists.

How do I uninstall the integration?


Before fully removing the integration, make sure to remember to change the identity source in your Identity Center.

You can remove the integration by navigating to your cluster's Integrations list and deleting both the integration named AWS Identity Center. The AWS OIDC integration that was created during the first enrollment step will be automatically removed as well once the plugin is uninstalled.

To clean up AWS resources created for the integration, remove the Identity Provider and its role from your AWS IAM console as well.

Next steps

  • Take a deeper dive into fundamental Teleport concepts used in Identity Center integration such as RBAC, JIT Access Requests and Access Lists.
  • Learn how to enable Okta integration to sync apps, users and groups from Okta in conjunction with Identity Center integration.