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Teleport Upcoming Releases

The Teleport team delivers a new major release roughly every 4 months.


17.2.0Week of January 20th, 2024


Per-session MFA via IdP

Teleport users will be able to satisfy per-session MFA checks by authenticating with an external identity provider as an alternative to using second factors registered with Teleport.

Delayed from Teleport 17.1.0.

GitHub access

Teleport will natively support GitHub access allowing users to transparently interact with Github with RBAC and audit logging support.

Delayed from Teleport 17.1.0.

Oracle Toad client support

Oracle Database Access users will be able to use Toad GUI client.

Trusted clusters support for Kubernetes operator

Kubernetes operator users will be able to create trusted clusters using Kubernetes custom resources.

Teleport Policy

1.27.0January 2025


Azure integration

Teleport Policy will support Azure integration allowing users to sync Azure resources such as VMs, and visualize access paths to them.

NetIQ integration

Teleport Policy will support NetIQ integration, allowing users to sync and visualize NetIQ permissions.

Teleport Cloud

The key deliverables for Teleport Cloud in the next quarter:

Week ofDescription
January 13th, 2024Teleport 17.1 will begin rollout on Cloud.
January 13th, 2024Teleport 17.1 agents will begin rollout to eligible tenants.
January 27th, 2024Teleport 17.2 will begin rollout on Cloud.
January 27th, 2024Teleport 17.2 agents will begin rollout to eligible tenants.

Production readiness

Teleport follows semantic versioning for pre-releases and releases.


Pre-releases of Teleport (versions with suffixes like -alpha, -beta, -rc) should not be run in production environments.

Pre-releases of Teleport are great for testing new features, breaking changes, and backwards incompatibility issues either in development or staging environments.

Major Releases

Major releases look like 17.0.0.

Major releases of Teleport contain many large new features and may contain breaking changes.

Due to the scope and quantity of changes in a major release, we encourage deploying to staging first to verify your usage pattern has not changed.

Minor Releases

Minor releases look like 17.X.0.

Minor releases of Teleport typically contain smaller features and improvements. Minor releases can typically be deployed directly to production.

Most customers upgrade to the next major version of Teleport during the first minor release, such as 17.1.0.

Patch Releases

Patch releases contain small bug fixes and can typically be deployed directly to production.